EVP, Employer Brand, and Internal Culture Should Work Together 

It’s all about finding alignment.

Employer Value Propositions give employees clarity and an organizational direction. 

The Employer Value Proposition (EVP) provides an ecosystem of benefits and beliefs that say to a potential or current employee: “Work here, not over there.” From career development opportunities to company culture to work-life balance to social responsibility, all of the moving parts can be equally exhausting and difficult to keep up with. EVPs keep things from getting lost in translation. And in the current world, where the fight for talent is very real, this investment is worth every penny.

Your EVP should be proprietary -- something you can own that sets you apart. Just like creating a brand that sets you apart for consumers, use that same intention and strategy to craft an Employer Brand worth working for.

At their core, EVPs are about strategy— communicating to employees about your organization’s benefits and beliefs in a way that brings them clarity and as a result, gives you more time to tend to the million other things that running a company entails. 

Communicating an EVP well to employees and recruits is key. Often, we see our clients produce pages and pages of documents instead of a concise and powerful piece that communicates quickly, efficiently, and effectively what their organization is about. The same intention and strategy dedicated to consumers should be dedicated to Employer Brand communications.

To locate your particular EVPs, you must first establish an effective Employer Brand. You can do so by considering the following question:

How do you want your employees to feel when they come to work?

In its most official language, Employer Brand combines an organization's Brand Heart (values, purpose, and vision) which drives its culture, and personality which communicates its identity to employees.

Just like an external brand is the way you make consumers feel, Employer Brand is how you make your employees feel. 

We know that people want to work in an environment that makes them feel supported, valued, and comfortable. That’s no surprise. 

Discussing and evaluating Employer Brand should become a part of your operations and management training. Actionable steps and concrete plans encourage your organization to become more supportive, accessible, and emotionally safe for workers.

Learn more about Employer Brand at Hoot. 

EVPs and Employer Brands, if done well, work together to create alignment. 

Hoot defines alignment as the sweet spot between shared values and employee understanding. Without employee-embodied understanding and buy-in, they won’t be able to behave or create in an “on-brand” way. 

But let’s be clear. Misalignment is easy. Alignment takes effort. 

Even though finding and maintaining alignment isn’t easy, the after-effects of a synergistic and joyful workplace sure are. 

Alignment means value and action must go together. Internal Culture is the necessary bridge between values and action. 

What precedent are you setting with your values, purpose, and culture?

Internal Culture is built on the people's behaviors within the organization. Those behaviors are guided by the strategic scaffolding created by leadership. At Hoot, our values of joy, candor, and collaboration are the foundation on which we are built. We remain steadfast in our vision of a world in which people can become their best selves through work.

What do you care about as a leader? 

Internal culture isn’t just a trendy term we are trying to get you to buy into. It has real impacts on employee experience. Studies show that 

  • 77% of applicants consider a company’s culture when applying. 

  • 65% of employees claim to stay in their jobs because of the culture. 

  • 38% of employees are willing to take a pay cut to work at an organization with a better culture.

Internal Culture isn’t just influencing if people are engaged at work, it’s impacting if you have employees who choose to work for you and with you. 

If you’re wondering how to craft your EVP, locate your organizational values, or build an action plan based on beliefs, it has to start with you. 

Or with us. 

Hoot can help you focus on exactly what you value, how best to communicate it to your employees and elicit an emotional response to garner action through our Brand Being Methodology

Schedule a consultation or visit our website for more information. 


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