The Language of Brand: Giving Voice to Your Company's Intuition

In the book "Unreasonable Hospitality," there's a powerful quote that resonates deeply with our approach to branding at Hoot Design Company: "Language gives intention to intuition." This simple statement encapsulates the essence of what a strong brand can do for a business, especially when it's time to scale.

The Intuition of Founders and Leaders

Every successful company starts with a vision—an intuitive understanding of what makes the business unique and valuable. Founders and leaders often have a gut feeling about their company's identity, values, and purpose. They know what sets them apart from the competition and why their customers should care.

However, this intuition, while powerful, can be difficult to communicate effectively. It's a feeling, a sense of direction that guides decision-making but often remains unspoken and undefined. This is where brand comes in.

Brand: The Language of Business Intuition

A well-crafted brand is like a universal translator for your business intuition. It takes those gut feelings, those unspoken truths about your company, and transforms them into a language that inspires everyone —employees, customers, partners, and stakeholders alike.

At Hoot Design Company, we often say, "We're not here to change how the world sees you. We're here to change how you see yourself." This philosophy is at the heart of our Brand Being Method. We believe that the most powerful brands are built from the inside out, starting with a clear and authentic self-perception.

When you have a strong brand, you're not just creating a logo or a tagline. You're creating a shared language that allows you to:

1. Articulate Your Purpose: Brand gives you the words to express why your company exists beyond making a profit and call others to your mission.

2. Define Your Values: These create the filter through which all decisions are made.

3. Communicate Your Unique Value: Brand provides the framework to explain what sets you apart in the market.

4. Set Expectations: It allows you to clearly convey what your employees are getting into and how they can “execute on the brand" with strategy.

The First Brand Advocates: Your Employees

One of the most crucial aspects of our Brand Being Method is the recognition that your employees are your first and most important brand advocates. When you give language to your business intuition through branding, you're providing your team with the tools they need to embody and express your company's essence.

This internal focus is critical for several reasons:

1. Authenticity: When employees truly understand and believe in the brand, they naturally project authenticity in every interaction. Clarity also helps draw the right employees to the brand in the first place.

2. Consistency: A clear brand language ensures that your company's essence is communicated consistently across all touchpoints — and gives you the tools to teach and review through a strategic lens not through the lens of opinion.

3. Engagement: Employees who understand and connect with the brand are more engaged, leading to better performance and lower turnover.

4. Innovation: A strong internal brand provides a framework for innovation that stays true to your core identity and gives you the backbone to say no when an opportunity isn’t right.

Scaling with Clarity

As your business grows, the intuitive understanding that guided you in the early days needs to be scaled. You can't be in every meeting, make every decision, or interact with every customer. This is where a well-defined brand becomes invaluable.

Your brand becomes the North Star that guides decision-making at all levels of the organization. It provides clarity in complex situations, helps in recruiting talent that aligns with your values, and ensures that as you grow, you don't lose sight of what made you special in the first place.

The ROI of Brand Clarity

Investing in brand clarity isn't just about feeling good—it drives real business results:

- Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share (Gallup, 2018).

- Consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23% (Forbes, 2019).

- 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla, 2019).

Conclusion: Your Brand, Your Voice

Your brand is more than a marketing tool—it's the voice of your business intuition. It's the language that transforms your gut feelings into a powerful, scalable identity. By focusing on building a strong brand from the inside out, you're not just changing how the world sees you; you're changing how you see yourself.

And when you truly understand and embrace who you are as a company, everything else falls into place. Your marketing becomes more effective, your employees become more engaged, and your customers become more loyal.

Remember, in the words of "Unreasonable Hospitality," language gives intention to intuition. Let your brand be that language, and watch as your business intuition transforms into tangible, scalable success.


Be Brave: The Key to Building a Great Brand


Changing How You See Yourself: The Foundation of Brand Transformation